Derderian Academy of Martial Arts: Cultivating Excellence in Martial Arts Education
For nearly three decades, Raffi Derderian has been the leader of the Derderian Academy of Martial Arts, in the northeastern part of the US. Since…
Tactical Combative Engagement Principles (Part 1)
For the next several articles I will be sharing with you some of our T.C E.P system. These principles will enhance your understanding and practical…
Brown’s TKD Institute: A Path of Excellence and Growth
Master Tariq Brown’s TKD Institute has been helping the community in the central Florida region to improve their lives through the martial arts since its…
Trust Someone Who’s Been There – A Martial Arts Business Mentor
AMS was founded by martial artists for martial artists so we understand your needs. There is no shortage of banks and fitness center management companies…
3 Steps to Build Corporate Leadership (Part 2)
Corporate leadership requires self, attractive, necessary, network, and corporate leadership. In the last four sections, we discussed self, attractive, necessary, and network leadership. In this…
Rapidly Increase Your Enrollment with the VIP Promotion
What would enrolling over a hundred new students this year do for your school during these tough economic times? A lot! It is only approximately…
Manage Your Time, Live Your Life (Part 2)
During your evening to be effective remember there are really only three important elements: Enrollments, Retention, and Renewals If an activity does not positively contribute…
Is More Better?
This notion that more is better creates a tremendous amount of confusion in terms of time and requirements. It’s natural for a new Instructor to…